Ein höfisierendes Streitgedicht aus dem Kloster Tegernsee. Poesie im Umfeld Rahewins von Freising?


  • Thomas Haye


dispute poem, Tegernsee monastery, Rahewin of Freising, Frederick Barbarossa


Thomas Haye: A courtly dispute poem from Tegernsee monastery. Poetry in the circle around Rahewin of Freising?

The manuscript Munich, BSB, Clm 19488 preserves a courtly dispute poem, which was composed probably in the second half of the 12th century in Tegernsee or Freising. By its narrative ideology, the poem refers to the Gesta Friderici written by Otto of Freising, the Ludus de Antichristo, and the Archpoet’s so-called Imperial hymn.In terms of textual typology, on the other hand, there is a certain closeness to the courtly verse novel, since the poem reflects typical situations, categories of thought and patterns of behavior in chivalrous life. Certain features of style and metre indicate that the poem may have been written by an author who belonged to the circle around Rahewin of Freising.





