Ludwig Traube über Subskriptionen und Karolingische Philologie
Subscription, Collation, Variant, Exemplar, Codex Theodosianus, Regula, Augustine, Lupus, Heiric, Hincmar, Priscian, Martianus Capella, Solinus, Valerius MaximusAbstract
David Ganz: Ludwig Traube on Subscriptions and Carolingian Philology
This article gives a transcription of Ludwig Traube’s essay for Theodor Mommsenon the use of subscriptions and the evidence for the collation of texts found in Carolingian manuscripts, with particular reference to the enigmatic annotations in two copies of the Theodosian Code linked to Hincmar of Reims.
Keywords: Subscription, Collation, Variant, Exemplar, Codex Theodosianus, Regula, Augustine, Lupus, Heiric, Hincmar, Priscian, Martianus Capella, Solinus, Valerius Maximus