The Codex Buranus: Where was it written? Who commissioned it, and why?
Neustift, Brixen, Aquileia, Seckau, Steer, Bischoff, Bertelsmeier-Kierst, Drumbl, Klemm, Walworth, Sayce. Frederick II, Berthold von Neuffen, Heinrich von Taufers, Fifth Crusade, John of Brienne, Otto von Botenlauben, Beatrix de CourtenayAbstract
Recent proposals to reject Steer’s finding that the Codex Buranus was written in South Tyrol in favor of a scriptorium in Aquileia, Friesach, or Seckau are discussed and found to be unconvincing. The narrower window for the compilation and writing of the manuscript (1218 – 1230) recently put forward suggests Berthold von Neuffen, bishop of Brixen 1216 – 24, protonotarius of Frederick II, crusader in Egypt, and uncle of Minnesänger, Gottfried von Neifen, as the likeliest candidate to have commissioned it, probably for personal rather than pedagogical reasons.